Sexy Tattoo

Monday, August 23, 2010

behind ear star tattoo for girls

star tattoo design behind earstar tattoo designsstar tattoo design for girls

celtic cross tattoo design

side celtic tattoo design imagesceltic cross tattoo design on arm
celtic cross tattoo design

Chest Tattoo Ideas-tattoo design

Most chest tattoos are quite large in size, so naturally it can be very difficult to decide on such a big design, so perhaps this photo gallery of chest tattoos can help give you a few good ideas and get you started on the right foot.

No matter which tattoo design you decide upon, one of the most important steps is finding the best possible tattoo artist, who is capable of providing you with a quality piece of artwork that suits you forever.

Guns and roses chest tattoo idea for women.
Flowers for men.
rose and dagger.
superman artwork.
Eyeball with wings and stars idea.
Flowery skulls idea for girls.
Skull and crossbones.

Face Tattoos-beautiful girls with face tattoos

Stars on left temple.
Danger tiger design.
So many stars.
Kat Von D photo.
Tribal looking artwork on beautiful girl

Foot tattoos-butterflies, flowers and stars

Foot tattoos are very popular and most common among people who wish to have a tattoo design that is easily concealable, and just as easy to showoff with a pair of sandals or even by going barefoot.

Foot tattoos are usually seen on women, but not exclusively, and some of the most popular designs include butterflies, flowers and stars.

Matching designs.
Beautiful flower.
Colorful ankle flower.
Cute small stars picture.
Flower vine ink design.
Butterfly photo.
Large flower artwork

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Outside of having kids, getting a tattoo

Outside of having kids, getting a tattoo is one of the worst mistakes a person can make, yet somehow (much like having kids), millions of people do it every year. For those going under the needle for the first time, The A.V. Club offers six simple rules to getting tattooed, aided by the input of someone who should know: Aviva Yael, co-author of No Regrets: The Best, Worst, & Most #$%*ing Ridiculous Tattoos Ever. (All photos below come from the book.)

America bepicting freedom and liberty tattoo


The eagle is the emblem of America bepicting freedom and liberty.  As the lion is the king of the jungle, so the eagle is the master of the skies.  In ancient mythology, the eagle was a god of the heavens and the sun.  There are thousands of wonderful eagle tattoos and over the last decade, the eagle tattoo has also experienced a revival with larger more elaborate eagles taking to the skin of soldiers and civilians alike.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

henna directly to the belly-Henna during pregnancy

Henna during pregnancy is an ancient practice and is soothing as well as calming. It is believed to help bring about an easy birth and healthy child. A fun twist on tradition; applying the henna directly to the belly! 

henna babyshower
henna on pregnant belly
pregnant belly henna
applying henna during pregnancy
pregnancy henna
henna on pregnant belly
henna pregnant belly henna
prenatal henna
henna belly
henna on pregnant tummy

Henna tattooing- fun and beautiful

Henna tattooing is a fun and beautiful and artistic way to experiment with. A traditional practice brought down to the new generation genres of artistic expression. What makes it even cooler is the fact that you can enjoy body art or body painting without permanently branding your skin and being stuck with it forever.
Henna tattooing is just drawing or painting designs into the skin with henna tattoo paste made from natural ingredients that are safe and cheaper than ink and permanent tattoos. You will only need powdered henna leaves with black coffee or tea liquid. It is so easy to do, cheaper and you can even do it on your own at home.
You need but three things; a design of your own or one from the many henna tattoo design available in the market, materials for the henna tattoo paste and applicator and know how to make the henna tattoo paste. So easy are the steps that a beginner may follow through.
How to make henna paste?

Things you will need:
Henna leaves (powdered)
Coffee or tea
Eucalyptus or lavender/olive oil

How to- steps

1. Boil water and add coffee powder or tea bag. Allow it to settle for hours then strain it with a strainer to remove the coffee or tea grounds.
2. Add at least 3 teaspoon of henna powder and mix it with about a teaspoon of eucalyptus, an olive or lavender oil.
3. Then, add the coffee or tea liquid gradually until it turns to paste.
4. Leave the henna paste for about 6 to 12 hours for the paint to set and for best results. Once it has turned into a toothpaste-like liquid, it is therefore ready to use.

Once the henna paste is done then, you are all set to paint your henna tattoo. Some people use bottle tubes, toothpicks or any pointed material you can use to etch your paint. However, some people who are experts you might call, use their fingers.
For better results, it would be wiser to steam the skin before starting with the paint because, henna stains darker in warmer surfaces. After you are done with the henna tattoo, let it dry and stay for hours before washing it or removing the paste because, henna stains darken after 48 hours. You can also use hair drier to make it dry faster. You may also use a plastic tape to cover the henna tattoo and keep it warmer but, make sure that you place a tissue underneath to prevent smudging and soak the perspiration.

important to remember that a tattoo

Although the thought of something as exciting as getting a new tattoo may make you feel like running out and getting one on a whim, there are some things to consider before making such a rash decision. A perfect example of a type of tattoo that has become quite popular in recent months is the eyebrow tattoo. These types of tattoos may not be what you think, they are not used as a form of artistic impression but rather as a type of cosmetic surgery. There are many women who are sick and tired of having to constantly be grooming, plucking and waxing their eyebrows. A permanent eyebrow tattoo can make their lives a little bit easier.
However, it is important to remember that a tattoo called permanent art for a reason. Once you get a tattoo, it can be extremely hard and even painful to remove. This goes for artistic or cosmetic tattoos. These rash decisions are more often made by young adults just starting life. At such a young age it may be difficult to think about the future, let alone wonder if getting a tattoo will effect your life further down the road.
These days more and more people are getting tattoos. It isn't uncommon to see a mother of two loading her children in the car to get them to school sporting a tattoo on her ankle. Still it is important that you take the time to make the right decision for you. You should think long and hard before you make the choice to add something as permanent as a tattoo to your body.
A great way to see if a tattoo is right for use is by using a temporary or semi-permanent tattoo. These are called semi-permanent because even though they are removable, they last for upwards of three months. This the best way to see if you really would like the real thing. Using temporary tattoos can also help you to choose what type of tattoo you want before you have it permanently embedded in your skin.
You are the only one who can make this decision but one thing is for sure... I recommend that you think long and hard before making any type of decision that will effect you for the rest of your life.

Advertising Tattoo-un, unique and a great way

Find a new means of communicating with customers and potential new clients with your business name and logo on a temporary tattoo. It is fun, unique and a great way to involve your stakeholders.
Rather than paying the copious amounts of money or the large recurring fees of advertising your establishment on a billboard or in the newspaper, creating custom temporary tattoos lets your customers serve as your ad campaign, your low-fee endorsements. Let them spread your brand and business' image to everyone they encounter, serving not only as a public acknowledgment of your business, but also as a walking testament to their satisfaction as a customer.
This is a fresh approach to endorsement: funny, new, creative and if you can design a tattoo using just the right match-up of colors and themes, it can be quite stylish.
Temporary tattoos are applied to the applicant's skin with nothing more than water, and have been approved for safety by the Australian Standard - Toxicology Requirements for Children's Toys (AS 1647.3). The tattoos last up to five days, and may be removed upon request with as much ease as that with which they were applied: upon being soaked in water, the tattoo may be rubbed of with a wash cloth. They are easy and fun and can be enjoyed by just about everyone.
Look for companies whose stick on tattoos may be printed in quantities exceeding 1,000 and may be printed in sizes ranging from 38 x 38 mm to 76 x 102 mm. This size range is perfect for a temporary tattoo and printing that amount is most cost effective. Many companies have a minimum order of around 500 units, this may seem like too much for some events or businesses but you may be surprised by how quickly they are snapped up!
Promotional tattoos allow you to use any graphic artwork whether your logo or a design created for a specific event, including photographs. The tattoos will be printed in a four-color process, featuring the addition of white as a possible fifth color.
Special designs may be printed onto your business' temporary tattoos to help target your business to children or another particular demographic. The best temporary tattoo companies should be reasonably priced and an exceedingly efficient means for earning wide-ranging public attention for your business. Promotional tattoos are also an ideal way to promote charities, cultural events, fundraisers or anything else you may be hoping to advertise.
You should be aware of the demographic to which you intend to market your business' product or services before investing in temporary tattoo advertisements, and perhaps go so far as to ask some of your customers in advance if they would indeed be willing to wear a promotional tattoo for your business. The notion of applying art work to one's skin may not be as popular with some target markets as it would with others so be sure your particular demographics are keen on the idea. Though they may not always be willing to wear a temporary tattoo, for certain occasions such as fun-runs, fundraisers and other events, they may happily change their mind.
When researching, check the company's official website and make sure it provides a good deal of information as to how your business' tattoos will be printed and any limitations you will confront. It should clarify the extent to which you may have input and collaborate the design of your batch of temporary tattoos, you should be able to have a large amount of input. Pricing is usually dependent on the intricacy of the design and the number you would like to order so make sure you have been quoted and are happy with the price before you confirm your order. It might be a good idea to check out previous designs and work they have done so you know their ability.
The usefulness of temporary tattoos may be questioned on the grounds that they dissolve after only a few days. Questions also arise as to whether your tattoo, once applied to the customer, will be displayed to very many people. Despite these worries, the benefits that the temporary tattoo provides over a newspaper ad, billboard or a TV spot, is a sense of not only community, but of intimacy between the business and its customer. The fact that your customer is wearing your logo on his or her body is indeed a testament to their opinion of your business or event. Temporary tattoos have a unifying effect, they can tie together an event or cusomters as brand ambassadors like no other form of advertising.

women rib tattoos-

If you are a tattoo enthusiast, women rib tattoos are considered to be the sexiest location to get a body ink. However, getting a tattoo at the side of your rib is not for the faint hearted. Side rib tattoo is being done on the part which is very close to the bone, the pain during the tattoo process will be more intense because there is less flesh to cushion the penetrating needle.
When getting a tattoo on the rib, choosing the right design is very important. When selecting a pattern, it is best to choose a big design since the space on your rib is quite large. With a big design, most probably it will take you more than one session to complete the tattoo. Therefore, a girl getting a tattoo on her rib can be a very long and painful experience.
Generally a rib body ink is done from the hip to the area underneath the armpit. Alternatively, the ink can also be placed from the lower stomach all the way to the side of the breast. For women who are adventurous, the tattoo can even be drawn all the way to the nipple.
Some of the most common tattoo design on the ribs of women are flowers with complete leaves and stems and covered with vibrant colors. Some of the most popular flowers tattoo designs preferred by women are lilies, roses, lotus, hibiscus, cherry blossom, orchids etc. Floral tattoos on the rib cage is very attractive and portray a sense of femininity.
Female rib tattoos are really sexy because it shows the shape and natural curves of a woman's body. Since the ink is so close to her breast, it automatically makes the tattoo look extra sexy and attractive. If you are planning to get a new tattoo and you can tolerate the pain, a tattoo on the side of your rib can be a good choice.

most popular letters and script commonly used for tattoos

most popular letters and script commonly used for tattoos:
  1. Old English
  2. Tribal
  3. Calligraphy
  4. Cursive
  5. Old School
  6. Roman
  7. Gothic
  8. Handwritten
  9. Celtic
  10. Graffiti
Letters and script tattoos can be inked with bold colors or plain black. Good detail shading adds a lot of character and elegance to the letters making them standout more. Letters can also be decorated with fancy scroll-work to enhance them further, the choice is yours. So if your thinking about getting a new tattoo involving letters and script you should spend a little time on your decision about which style of font is a good choice for you and your tattoo design.

Leo Tribal Ideas -zodiac signs

Leo is the most dominant and extroverted of the zodiac signs. This strength and boldness can be brought out very well with Tribal designs. If Leos have a weakness it is the tendency to be over-bearing and pushy. Sometimes their enthusiasm is a little too much for others. A minimalist tribal tattoo could play this down without losing any of its strength. On the other hand, because of your outgoing and expansive nature, you can get away with a bold statement. Leo Tribal back tattoos do this very well.
A Leo has so many sides that a great variety of tattoo ideas have been developed to depict them. This means there is plenty of opportunity for you to find the design that expresses the side you want to highlight. This could be your strong, dominant side; your expansive, broad-minded side or your warm-hearted, loving side.

Leo Celtic Tattoo Ideas

There are distinctive designs using the Celtic knotwork. Animal images have long been a part of this artwork but the tattoos do not have to have the animal itself but can incorporate the Zodiac sign. The interesting part about these designs is the image is not always apparent. Sometimes people have to look closely to make out what they are. This creates an air of mystery and provides a good talking point. Your Leo Celtic tattoo can be artistic and interesting.
Leo Zodiac Tattoo DesignsLeo Zodiac Tattoo DesignsLeo Zodiac Tattoo DesignsLeo Zodiac Tattoo Designs

Leo Tattoo Designs-Leo in the Zodiac

The symbol for Leo in the Zodiac is the Lion and is ruled by the Sun. Like the Sun, you are full of life and energy. This is often depicted in tattoos by including a sun with a lion's head or with the Zodiac sign itself. Almost anything goes with Leo tattoos because of the range of characteristics associated with this sign. Whilst the Lions head is popular, as is the full body on larger areas, hearts and flowers can be included because of the big-hearted and loving nature of Leos. They are strong and energetic but they do have a soft side. They are extremely loyal, supportive friends.